Kettering Concerts
Kettering Concert 2012-11-25
John Allason (director)
10 Voices
Fortéfied is “fun group of people with a lovely rapport”,
says John Allason, conductor. “They’re probably the easiest one and the nicest
one I’ve ever worked with.” Currently there are ten members: one
tenor, two bass, two altos and five sopranos. There’s a nice balance
of men and women, with some versatile enough to move from one voice to
another. According to John, they have as much fun as a ‘sing-a-long’
choir, but also work hard, so they need to be people who like to be
challenged. It helps if newcomers can read music a little and they must
be able to ‘match pitch’. Fortéfied will sing wherever they are asked
(as long as all agree). They hold a yearly feature concert ‘in the shed’
on Allason’s property.
Sunday 25 November 2012, 3pm
Kettering Community Hall
Tickets available at the door
Stay for the post-concert afternoon tea, meet and chat with the musicians.